zondag 21 september 2008

The daily forgetting

Each day, as we walk out into the world, the world begins to do it's job on us. Negative people shout their negative beliefs at us. People in fear try to invite us into shared misery. Troubling news stories and horrible images are placed front and center on newspapers to get our attention. Angry commuters and stress-filled workers find their way into our orbit. And so we forget.

We forget The Fundamentals. (...) Fundamentals like no matter who you are and what you do, if you choose, you can make a positive difference at work and in life today. Fundamentals like life is good.

Robin Sharma, in zijn blog van 18 september. Hij schrijft ook hoe hij tracht om dat niet te vergeten. Bijna Benedictijns :

'I go back to the well every day. Every morning, during my 60 minute Holy Hour, I read from books of inspiration. Or I journal on gratitude or my hopes - and my fears (stepping outside your fears to witness them is how you unchain yourself from them).'

Opnieuw vind ik dat de formulering een beetje Amerikaans is, maar hij heeft gelijk. We denken perfect te weten wat belangrijk is in het leven (zijn Fundamentals). Maar vergeten hoe je dat concreet praktisch inpast in het dagelijkse leven.

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